Welcome to the Advancing Genealogist!

Welcome to the Advancing Genealogist! Really, I mean that. I want this to be a friendly place to stop, pick up a bit of news or learn of a great resource, and for all of us to grow as genealogists.

We all have our favorite topics in this field. Some of mine include forensic work, post-adoption research, the Midwest, Lake County, Illinois, and problem-solving. I have added DNA studies to my paper trail, and enjoy figuring out how some of my matches connect to my family tree. Along my genealogical way, I have found things that are too good not to share, and decided that a great place to share them was right here. So, here we are.

Why this forum? It is the best choice for my goals. I hope to build a resource library on the Advancing Genealogist website. A place where things are stored in a more permanent way than a mention in a fleeting blog post that you need to hunt around for later. My resource library will focus on topics in line with my specialties, but it will expand beyond those topics over time.

Does that mean there will be no blog posts? Of course not. There is always something to say. Blog posts can explain how to use the resources on the site, and are a way to share information about great finds, whether they are discoveries in methods, sources, or repositories. Blog posts will put flesh on the bones of the site.

I’ll make no promises that what I have to say will be what you need or hope to learn on a given day. Sometimes I have learned the most when I least expected it. Maybe that magic will happen here once in a while.


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7 Responses to Welcome to the Advancing Genealogist!

  1. Pamela says:

    Welcome to GeneaBloggers!

    Enjoyed your website and eager to see what you add next. I have a lot of Illinois ancestors, including the Paynes and Demings in Lake Co, so will peruse some of the resources you have listed. Thanks for sharing your knowledge.

    • debbiemieszala says:

      Thank you for your feedback! I have seen your surnames in Lake County. I hope that you find some great things.

  2. Grant Davis says:

    Welcome to Geneabloggers!

    Regards, Grant

  3. Grant Davis says:

    Welcome to Geneabloggers!
    Regards, Grant Davis

  4. Cindy Dorfler-Hederer says:

    Will be dropping in to see what you are up to on this new site. I have not done much research in the last 2 years but everyone once in a while I turn up a piece of info that I can use. The Dorfler name has been tough to trace back with accuracy.

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