Identify, Understand, and Reveal: Introducing the Historic Land Laws Collection

Happy New Year’s Eve! If you want to ring in 2025 with a few good books, have I got a deal for you.

Land records provide more than purchase and sale details. Land laws help us to understand why a land transaction occurred in a specified manner and even delineate who was allowed to own land. Case law involving land shows us how the law was applied in land disputes, and it gives us a glimpse of those dusty old arguments and the people who were having them.

I used land records and land laws heavily in my last big case study, which turned into a recertification portfolio work sample and a webinar (see the fourth bullet below). I collected land laws as I worked, because I was not able to find a decent set of them in one place. That modest collection has grown and resulted in a new addition to my online law library. Check for additional laws elsewhere, because it would be impossible for one person to find them all. The collection mainly includes federal law, as state land laws would be on state law pages.

Why should you care about land laws and land records? I will share some of the advances that I made in my own research by using both.

Land records and land laws have:

I hope that you have success in seeking land records for your ancestors. Seek land laws to better understand how and why your ancestors obtained land in the way that they did.

Visit my Historic Land Statutes page here.

Visit my Historic Land Case Law page here.

The historic land law collection will be linked under the Law: Special Topics Index which is listed in the Law Library Index.

Note that the Legacy Family Tree Webinars links above require a subscription or payment to view, since they are over a week old.




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2 Responses to Identify, Understand, and Reveal: Introducing the Historic Land Laws Collection

  1. Nancy Gilbride Casey says:

    This is amazing. Thank you!

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