Category Archives: Uncategorized

On the Waters of Grassy Lick Creek: Introducing Historic Kentucky Law

James Hampton gave a gift in 1837, even though he clearly wasn’t thinking of me.

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Dusty Ancestors

You probably have a neglected ancestor. Some ancestors left plentiful records, or adequate evidence of their existence. When researching bountiful ancestors, we sometimes neglect those nearly silent in documents.

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Are We There Yet? Introducing Historic West Virginia Law

No ancestor on my pedigree chart hailed from West Virginia. I don’t have a state-related ancestral tale to tell, but there is always a story.

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How to Find Money Without Sticking Your Hand in the Couch

I thought it would be fun to look forward to a bit of prosperity in 2023 (fingers crossed), and I got the idea to help you find your own money without yanking a kernel of popcorn out of the couch … Continue reading

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Introducing Historic Funeral and Cemetery Law Resources

Genealogists want to know more. Names, dates, and places are not enough. Being curious creatures, we realize that we must know the records to fully understand the facts they provide. We need to learn how the sausage is made.

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Introducing Historic New York City Ordinances, Codes, Resolutions, and Extras!

Mary Jane Anderson did not die twice. Tell that to the doctor who completed two New York City death certificates for her in 1881. The story of her death (or deaths) is for another day. The records prompted a research … Continue reading

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Advancing Accessibility

Genealogists are the giving type. They volunteer for societies, libraries, and archives. Most answer questions and help newcomers. Those with a handful of free minutes and a desire to help might enjoy volunteering to improve records access.

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