Advancing Your Education: Fun in Someone Else’s Sun!

The Florida State Genealogical Society hosts “Poolside Chats,” a monthly webinar series. These free webinars are available to society members and the public, so you are welcome to attend! I look forward to presenting a webinar in the series this week. The Five-Story Fall: Correlating Indirect and Direct Evidence to Extend the Pedigree, airs this Thursday, 20 February 2025, at 8 PM Eastern Time.

The Five-Story Fall is a case study. I had a female ancestor who appeared in few records, and I worked to identify her parental family. The solution took combing through records in three countries, employing several strategies, and looking for her in records even after her death.

I sent FSGS this blurb about the program.

Johanna (Daly) Mahoney plunged to her death taking her parents’ and siblings’ identities along. Crucial evidence from the analysis of three generations of associates and a summons published sixteen years post-mortem led to her family.

If you are stuck trying to identify the parents of an ancestor, you might get ideas from my methodology to apply to your own research problem. If not, just come to hang out at the pool. Bring your own umbrella drinks!

To register for the webinar, or for other Poolside Chat programs, visit the Florida State Genealogical Society website.  I’ve looked at this year’s line-up, and I might be hanging out at the FSGS pool a lot in 2025!

The catch for me? I will be presenting from the frozen Illinois tundra. If I had a pool, it would be a very big ice cube. I will enjoy that Florida sunshine and hospitality from afar.

See you there!

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2 Responses to Advancing Your Education: Fun in Someone Else’s Sun!

  1. kathleen sullivan says:

    This is the best webinar ever. Will be watching it for the third time on this topic. Great research!

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