“He lays his trouble to a cigar,”: Introducing Historic California Law

Captain Thomas D. McBride was first believed dead in 1883.[1] Final reports of his demise, 17 years later, were accurate.[2] Continue reading

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South Dakota Revises Law on Original Birth Certificate Access

South Dakota’s governor signed HB 1231 into law on 23 March 2023.[1] The law allows an adult adopted person (age 18) to obtain their original birth certificate upon written request and proof of identification.[2] Continue reading

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Advancing Your Research: A Peek at a Pennsylvania Presbyterian Newspaper

Chances are an ancestor’s obituary was annoyingly absent from their local newspaper. If the search was limited to a hometown paper, research may have stopped too soon. Continue reading

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Advancing Your Education: “24-Hour Genealogy Webinar Marathon” at Legacy Family Tree Webinars

The fourth annual 24-Hour Genealogy Webinar Marathon is scheduled for April 13 and 14, 2023. If that isn’t enough to catch your attention, a bonus hour brings you 25 hours of free genealogy education. 

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Small Bits: Introducing Historic Arizona Law

William Crittenden moved with wife Ella and son Ray to Arizona Territory from Illinois in 1907.[1] William was dead in two years,[2] but Ella saw statehood.[3] Continue reading

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MyHeritage Offers 5,000 Free DNA Kits to Adoptees and Birth Relatives

MyHeritage announced they will donate 5,000 DNA kits to adoptees and birth family members (at least age 18) through their DNA Quest project.

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One Dead Horse Thief: Introducing Historic Arkansas Law

William Sawyers’ widow said he was a horse thief who died in an Arkansas prison in August 1874. Continue reading

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